Build Muscle with These 5 Exercises
Many people over complicate their fitness routine. When it comes to programming a proper workout routine it is actually quite simple (but don’t tell anyone… that is why the fitness industry does over $1 Billion a year). All it comes down to is push, pull, press, squat and core. If you are only able to work out 1-3 times a week, your programmingshould include each of these in your workouts. So the most important exercises that will build muscle fast, and keep our workouts simple are the following.
- (Squat) The first exercise you are going to want to do is a squat. Squats are an amazing, functional exercise that should be in everyone’s workout routine. Squats will target your quads, gluts, hamstrings and core. Male and females carry over 50% of their muscle mass in their legs- so when looking to add on muscle mass, skipping leg day is a definite no-no.
- (Pull) The second exercise would be a pull-up or a chin-up. These are definitely two advanced movements, but you can always do an assisted pull-up or a lat pull down to hit the same muscle groups if you need to modify. These are great exercises for your back muscles which include lats, traps, rhomboids, erectors and also your biceps.
- (Pull) Many people call this exercise the King of all exercises and that is the deadlift. Deadlifts are a beneficial exercise when performed properly, and will hit your entire posterior chain. It will work your glutes, hamstrings, lats, traps and core. The deadlift is probably the best exercises to build full body strength.
- (Press) The seated shoulder press exercise is important because not only will it work on our overhead mobility, it will also strengthen your entire shoulder girdle. The seated shoulder press is an important exercise because it will work your pec major, anterior deltoid and medial deltoid.
- (Core) The last exercise in our sequence is going to be the plank. The plank is a much more effective exercise than sit-ups because it works our transverse abdominis instead of just our rectus abdominis. The transverse abdominis is important in building great core strength so you can perform all of the above exercises properly.
The reason why we have added in two pull exercises is because our posterior chain has a lot more muscle mass than our anterior chain. So if we are looking to build muscle, you want to make sure that you are really focusing on the back of your body.
So there you have it- it’s simple and not flashy but it works. That is why each one of these exercises is included in every fitness freak’s routine. These are the exercises that make gains happen- not the ridiculous stuff you see on Instagram or Tiktok. Perform each of these exercises well, contract the proper muscle groups and you will see the results.
If your goal is to build muscle,make sure that you are performing each of these exercises for 40-70 seconds. When it comes to hypertrophy (muscle growth) time under tension is very important!
Stop over thinking it, stay consistent, work hard and perform your exercises correctly- I promise you will see the results you desire.
By Brett Kirkland
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