How do I get back into working out?
It finally seems like things are normal again. The kids are back in school, many are back to the office and the traffic is awful. But after a long two years many aren’t back into the same workout routine they once had. So how do we get that back?
1) Start exercising now, not tomorrow, not next week- now. This doesn’t mean jump right into your old routine and expect it not to feel different than it once did. You would not believe how often as personal trainers we hear, “when I get back in shape I’ll come back.” Uh, what? That is our job! We have all had clients come back after a hiatus and 90% of the time they are not in the same conditioned state- that is ok! Whether it is your trainer, your group class studio or your workout buddy, everyone is here to support you.
2) START SLOW. This means don’t be afraid to lift less weight, modify exercises or shorten workouts. Your conditioning and strength will come back if you stay consistent! You may be eager to pick up where you left off, but it’s important to start slow. Taking things slowly at first will help you avoid injury and get you back into shape more effectively. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t do everything you used to at first. It takes time to regain strength and stamina. Just focus on getting a little bit better each day, and soon you’ll be back in peak form.
3) As we mentioned in one of our previous blogs ( ) find a workout that you enjoy! There are plenty of other ways to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. If going to the gym, a run, a fitness class or seeing a trainer is the easiest way to stay accountable- do it!
4) Schedule it! If you’re trying to get back into working out, one of the best things you can do is to schedule your workouts for the week. By scheduling your workouts in advance, you’ll be more likely to actually stick to them. One way to schedule your workouts is to choose specific days and times that you’ll exercise. For example, you might decide that you’ll work out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6pm. Another option is to choose certain activities that you’ll do each week. For example, you might commit to going for a run three days per week or attending a yoga class twice per week. Whatever approach you take, make sure to write down your plan so that you can refer back to it throughout the week.
5) Prep and plan your workouts! One way to prep for your workout is to lay out your clothes the night before. This way, you won’t have any excuses in the morning when it’s time to work out. You can also pack your gym bag the night before so that you’re all set to go. Another way to prep for your workout is to plan what exercises you’re going to do in advance. This will help you make the most of your time at the gym. You can even write down a workout routine and put it on your fridge as a reminder. This way you are mentally preparing yourself for what you are going to do the next day and you’ll be more likely to follow through.
6) Any is a lot better than none! Life gets in the way, motivation may be low some days but any movement is a lot better than none. If you get yourself moving I can guarantee you will do more than you thought you would. Often putting on those workout shoes is the hardest part. Once you start moving you will start to feel better. You may not set any personal bests that day, but just moving will help improve your mood and give you more energy.
7) Start by setting small goals! Something like working out three times a week for 20 minutes is a great way to start. Once you have achieved that goal, you can increase the frequency or duration of your workouts. You can also add in some strength training to help build muscle and improve your overall health. Many weeks the biggest accomplishment is completing each workout you set out to do, and that is something to be very proud of.
8) Remember how good it makes you feel! There are so many days I personally don’t feel like working out, but often my biggest motivator is how I am going to feel after my workout. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. It also helps improve sleep quality and reduces stress levels. Regular exercise has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, so even if you don’t feel like working out, try to remind yourself of the benefits.
The most important thing out of all of these tips is to just get started! Remember you will never regret a workout.
By Brett Kirkland
We certainly do! You can either purchase programs or book personal training sessions and be given your workout at the end of the session.